Queens Park Real Estates is a member of Network Auctions, a leading nationwide auction group which specializes in selling throughout the UK for a wide variety of sellers including banks, asset managers, solicitors, receivers and executors.
We ensure our clients’ properties benefit from the best possible regional marketing to attract local buyers and combine this with exposure to the national database of thousands of property investors. With local investors competing against established, professional bidders in Central London and Birmingham auctions, we consistently achieve outstanding results for our clients. In addition all properties are jointly marketed by Network Auctions on a national basis hence drawing in much larger buyer interest, and auction attendance, all of which leads to obtaining a better end result.
Sell your property at Auction for a quick and certain sale!
For further information, please call or telephone Queens Park Real Estates on 0207 372 5950 or request an appraisal of your property at auctions@queensparkrealestates.co.uk